Wholeness is your Art

Wholeness is your Art: Embracing Your Authentic Self for healing

Wholeness is your Art – Your uniqueness is about giving yourself full permission to be you, all of you, peeling back the layers of all the “not YOU” layers laid on you by outside influences your entire life up to this point. Starting from the moment you were conceived, you’ve been receiving programs, beginning with your mother, and it has never stopped. I had to give myself permission to peel back all of these layers and reach the core of me. My unique Soul. Who am I without everyone else’s projections? Who am I if I had not been taught to be who I am?

Rachel Mango

Discovering Your True Essence

Who is the Rachel that was created with a purpose, unique gifts, a mind, a body, and a soul of her own? I am not my name, I am not my family, I am not my education, I am not my title, I am not this dis-ease, I am not any label you can think of. I am sovereign, I am free, I am love, I am joyful, I am nature, I am authenticity, I am unique, I am whole, I am health, I am connected, I am abundant, I am divine… and so much more.

Breaking Free from Societal Programming

Life has told me I am Rachel, I am not enough because I don’t perform like my peers or have the same social status as others. Oh, how this programming has been going on for millennia! Our ancestors did the best they could; they didn’t change the programming; they passed it on. Now it’s come to us, to the present, where we get to be the ones to say that I no longer will be the “you” that society, family, or the world expects me to be. I will be me, who I was uniquely created to be. This is Wholeness, this is Art. This is our gift to the world; how we heal, we return to the ways of peace,  connected to all things, being love… Me, you in our authenticity.

Embracing the Journey to Wholeness

This dis-ease came to show the way! The dis-ease came to show me, you, that we are operating out of alignment with who we were created to be. The dis-ease came to show us the way back home! The dis-ease is our greatest gift; it is not something to hate, it is not something to become a victim to. It is something to sit with and allow it to crack you open to begin the journey, returning to YOU. The most important step here is to avoid becoming a victim or identifying with said dis-ease. This is a trap that, once it takes hold, consumes most people. Guard your mind, discipline your mind, you are being provided exactly what you need to return home, return to yourself, the true YOU.

Wholeness is your Art: Embracing the Journey with Support

Train your mind to ask how this is happening for you. I know how difficult this may appear; it was for me at first too. This is one of the reasons working with a professional in this area is important. I worked with coaches and healers to support me along this journey to wholeness because there are always blind spots, and someone else can see what you don’t see. It’s easy to fall into victimhood when you are not feeling well, it’s so easy to ask why this is happening to me. That is the programming that we’ve been taught to default to. Changing how we have behaved forever isn’t the easiest thing; it takes serious commitment and support.

These lessons I was learning at this time became the foundation for how I live my life, and without them, I would be in a very different place in my life today. I remember dark moments where I was angry, where I was a victim. I didn’t change my thoughts, beliefs, or emotions overnight; it was a process that took time to see my programming and intentionally choose a new way of thinking over and over until a new belief became my default way of thinking. Even then, there were times when I still fell into old ways of thinking. This is where grace and ease come into play; you get to be gentle with yourself on this journey. It takes however long it takes, and you fall in love with discovering yourself. This is not a sprint; it’s the longest ultra-marathon you will ever run. Pick your support team and have fun along the way. During the race, you may experience other injuries and setbacks; you may get lost along the way, but the right support system will help you get back on course and remember why you started and where you are going! Wholeness is your Art.

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